15 Facts About Me
In 2017, my kitten Sasha in Christmas.
1. I love berries! Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries… and hate nuts!
2. I love to go to the cinema. I try to go every week, I completely dive into movies and forget about everything else.
3. I have a female cat called Sasha. I have had her for 13 years now, and love her so very much.
4. My favourite colours are fuchsia, pink and purple – that is why they are part of my brand (those and golden which is highly associated with the Middle East);
5. I have a bachelor and two masters degrees in Business from a top-ranked universitycI gave up my career in this area to pursue my dream (Oriental Dance of course);
6. I love Agatha Christie’s crime novels and have most of her books;
7. I started attending Yoga, Ballet, Ballet Preparation (“Barra de chão”) and Pilates classes in the last year so to improve my dancing and teaching;
8. Love everything about Disney!!! If I want to feel happy, I listen to Disney music;
9. Love Fado so much. Have been on four of Mariza’s concerts;
In 2020, on vacations with my family.
10. My favourite dancer and teacher is Aida Bogomolova;
11. I have performed in more than 10 different countries (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Ireland, Poland, Bulgaria, Morocco and Tunisia);
12. Love jelly gums! (Unfortunately…) Chocolate is good, but gums are irresistible…
13. Love to spend time with my family, are the best times in my life actually. I love my family and I feel so supported and cherished by them all that I feel I really lucky to be part of this family. I would like to spend more time in family, but sometimes it’s difficult with some of them outside of the county, especially my big sis who lives in Switzerland.
14. Love Board Games! It’s super fun, social and challenging. Best evening is playing board games with friends and family, not going out for a drink.
15. Love deep talks about life.
Do you relate in any of these'? Which fact surprised you the most?