The Artist
Catarina Branco is a 32 years old multi-award winning portuguese artist with 15 years of career.
The artist has attended regular classes in festivals in Europe and in the Middle-East with the biggest names of Belly Dance in the world.
Winner of 26 prizes in international competitions in more than 15 countries, Catarina became the most internationally awarded portuguese belly dancer.
With a degree and masters in Management by NOVA School of Business and Economics, Catarina is the founder of Catarina Branco Oriental Studio in Setúbal.
Currently, the artist is in the process of research and creation, only available for shows and occasional classes, private or group, in-person and online.

“Dance Your Power”
You have always heard about Henna Painting, but don't you know very well what it is? In this article by artist Sekmeth Ahmes, you'll learn more about Henna's origins, symbology, purposes and colors!
Are you enrolling in Oriental Dance classes and want to know what you can do to evolve? Our student Rita Pereira shares with you the 5 essential tools that made her evolve in Oriental Dance throughout this period!
Are you an oriental dancer and don't know how to take care of your facial skin? Beatriz Fernandes shows you 3 simple steps that will help you understand how to have healthy and beautiful skin!
How can I adapt my oriental technique to folklore? What I should or should not do to respect Egyptian Folk Dance? Read this article and discover the main differences between Oriental Technique and Folk Technique so you can rock your next Folklore performance!
Have you ever wondered what you pay for when you buy a belly dance costume from a designer? Catarina Fevereiro is our guest this month and explain you why!
Why do so many Bellydancers study Arabic Folklore? What are the benefits of this studies? Read the article and discover 5 ways on how studying egyptian folklore can improve your dancing!
Or better: which are the differences between Yoga and Oriental Dance? Eva Piçarra, our Yoga teacher (and also Oriental Dance student) wrote a text where she show us the similarities between both! Check it out!
Our first guest of our blog is Sara Naadirah! In this post, my teacher tells you about her experience as guest in Catarina Branco Oriental Studio’s event ‘One Day With'…’, a day with a workshop, a talk and our students. Check it out!
My dream of 5 years finally comes true: WELCOME TO MY BELLYDANCE BLOG ‘ORIENTAL DANCE WITH ATTITUDE’! Why did give it this name? How did this idea emerged? What themes will you be able to read about? Discover more in this post!
In Bellydance, it's necessary a great deal of work from the teacher on attracting and retaining students. Here you have some 'techniques' I use to attract students to this amazing world!
I studied Business Management and it helps me a lot in my Oriental Dance career. Get to know some of the management tasks I do on a daily basis and also the importance of my studies in my bellydancer life!
Being a teacher is a profession of great responsability, and requires much knowledge and dedication. Get to know my opinion about the necessary requirements to become an Oriental Dance teacher!
Have you ever wondered everything that involves the work of an Oriental Dance teacher? Find out in this post!
A lot of people aren’t acquainted with the expenses an Oriental Dance artist has in order to be able to practice her profession. Read this article and show it to whom has no ideia of a dancer’s reality!
Oriental Dancers have private events as an important income source. Get to know the advantagens of performing in this type of shows and some tips to help you!
Do you want to be a dancer who can fill in the stage and the audience with your energy? Read these tips I have for you!
Would you like to know more about the structure and how to dance Baladi? Read this post to get some more information!
Do you prefer courses or Oriental Dance workshops? Get to know the difference and importance of each of these excelent ways of learning!
Are you an Oriental Dance professional and you’re having a hard time managing your time? My tips will help you!
To know how to create contrasts and change according to music is vital for a good interpretation and expression in Oriental Dance. Learn how to do it with these tips!
Both improvisation and choreography have great advantages and will improve your Oriental Dance performance in general. Read this post to know know!
I'm completely passionate about Oriental Dance! Discover more about my story with this dance and the reasons why I love it so much, in this post.
Are you planning about dancing Saidi with a Cane or a Stick soon? Then, take advantage of these tips!
It’s common sense that a teacher learns as much from her students as her students learn from her. Read my thoughts about the ways teaching helps me becoming a better oriental dance professional!
Beauty Products Tips: yes, they are coming! Here you have my 5 favourite beauty products; the ones I use regularly in my dancer’s life. I also want to hear what are yours!
I believe that, as Oriental Dance teachers, we shall teach much more than technique. Understand why creating performance oportunities is fundamental to the evolution of our students as artists!
As a teacher, I stand up for teaching and motivating students to create their own choreographies. Discover the reasons in this post!

Rua General Daniel Sousa 116, 2900-344 Setúbal
+351 915 401 202
On the 23rd February 2020 we received in our studio the dancer from Braga, Diana Costa. In this article written by you, you can find out all about her opinion about this wonderful 'A DAY WITH ...'!