5 Tips To Have A Great Website
Working on my website. You can look up the way I apply every tip here on www.catarinabranco.com.
After the 5 Indispensable Things To Build Your Oriental Dance Business post, I decided I am going to share with you some more tips on Dance Business. This one is on what you need to have on your website.
1. Attractive homepage where your clients can immediately understand what you are - an Oriental Dance Artist - and what services you offer - Group and private classes, workshops, animation, performance, choreographies, etc. You don’t need to have here a description of each service but they must immediately know you offer what they are looking for and that you are the best person for the job.
2. Easily menu navigation and action buttons so clients can easily access more detailed information of your services. If they are really interested, they will want to know more and it’s important you have the essential information available. Put the price when you have a fixed fee, you may lose clients for not having the price and you will also avoid the trouble of exchanging e-mails.
3. High-quality videos and pictures of your services as well as testimonials. It’s important you have a visual way of showing your clients what they can experience. At the same time you show them you have experience and success in the kind of services they are looking for.
4. Have a detailed and yet interesting biography of yours with your biggest accomplishments and your study background. Don’t put your biography in the beginning – that is additional information in case they want to know more about you and your background.
5. Finally, it’s super important you have a contact form in your website so they don’t even need to get out of the page and go to their e-mail to contact you.
Do you already do these on your website? Needless to say (extra tip!) that it is mandatory you have a responsive website – one that adapts to mobile screens. If you have any additional question on this subject, just comment here and I will be happy to answer you.