Benefits of Conditional Training in Oriental Dance
One of the decisions I made in the beginning of 2020, was to start individual and personalized training with Leonor Vasques - Personal Trainer. In few months, I felt a big difference in my dancing and teaching and I’m very motivated to continue the trainings. I still have a lot to learn, but I will share with you now some of the benefits I feel that can motivate you to start practicing conditional training:
1. Enstrenghtening my core/center enabled me to feel much less tension and fatigue in my shoulders and arms. I can now move my arms with more ease and in a more fluid way, and I have more mobility in my shoulders. In dance, the shoulders and neck must be relaxed without tension - before I had much more difficulty moving my arms and maintaing a good posture without contracting my shoulders and neck. Now, with that central strenght, I feel much lighter and freer.
2. This core strenght has also improved a lot my ability to perform movements that have their origin in Classical Dance as it is the case of arabesques and turns. I can grow with much more ease than before, as I can push the floor harder by activating the core area of my body to keep myself “straight” and stable.
3. The strenght against the floor has also improved my hip technique that now can is wider and more isolated than ever before. The strenght work, contrary to what I thought, has contributed to the increase of my mobility. Even my knee shimmy became wider and looser with the pelvic strenght and the stability I gained.
4. Another important benefit was the increase I felt in body awareness, which led me to understand even better the muscles that should be activated and enstrenghtened to effectively perform the different dance movements. This improvement contributed not only to become a better dance, but also to become a better teacher. I managed to enhance my students’ tecnhique even more.
I’m still in the beginning, still have a lot to learn, but I wanted to leave you here some motivation to take care of your own body and of your dance. Thank you so much Leonor for being the wonderful professional you are!
And you? Have you tried to complement dance with conditional training? Leave your opinions on this subject below, in the comment box, and, in case you have it, share your experience with me!